So you've to decided to embark on an end-to-end test automation journey for your web based apps. This is your Odyssey. Exciting but where do you start? Choosing a programming language. There are quite a few considerations: what language is native to the application under test? are you focused on one component of a system, like web only, or are you going full stack and writing tests for web ui, mobile apps and backend api's? what language are you comfortable with now or are you starting fresh? what are fellow QA's in my organisation using and are there existing frameworks I can use? what support do I require? There's a good case for choosing the language native to the application under test. This would allow developers to get involved in the writing of end-to-end tests. But there are drawbacks to this. Tests need to be maintained and constantly optimised. Typically a dev will only ever write a tests for newly delivered features. So who is going to maintain the project. Y...